Message texte direct pour Me Martin : 514.839.6014


Originaire de Québec et habitant maintenant sur l'Île de Montréal, Me Jérémie John Martin est un avocat bilingue pratiquant et plaidant aussi bien en français qu'en anglais.

Me Martin privilégie constamment une approche diplomatique visant à régler les dossiers hors Cour puisqu'il croit que cela favorise souvent les intérêts de la justice et ceux des clients.

Cela dit, Me Martin est un plaideur naturel, ayant remporté en 2006 le championnat national des débats inter-universitaires Face à Face, à Sherbrooke, avec son collègue Yves Tanguay, méritant au surplus la Bourse du meilleur plaideur.

Me Martin est le genre d'avocat qui n'a pas froid aux yeux et qui ne se laisse pas intimider. Il sera le plus à l'aise dans des situations délicates nécessitant du leadership et du sang froid.

Au niveau de ses relations avec ses clients, Me Martin aime cultiver une relation de confiance et de dévouement et ne se gêne pas pour mettre les pendules à l'heure et informer le client de ses véritables chances de succès dans une affaire.

Par ailleurs, Me Martin voue un respect énorme et inamovible envers le système judiciaire, les juges et les institutions politiques québécoises et canadiennes et bien sûr, envers ses confrères et consoeurs.

Disponibilité, fougue et conviction résument bien la pratique de Me Martin.

Me Martin est aussi membre du Barreau de la Colombie-Britannique.


  • Droit familial

    Jérémie John Martin, attorney-at-law, has been practicing family law since he began his career in February 2009.

    Mr. Martin has extensive experience in multiple-day hearings dealing with a variety of situations such as custody of children, support payments, naming of a prosecutor to represent the child, cancellation of the arrears of support allowance, cancellation of support payments for a child having reached the age of majority, financial provision for court costs, outstanding issues, the law on the civil aspects pertaining to child-kidnapping, the law on the civil aspects pertaining to international child-kidnapping as well as, obviously, Canadian and foreign divorces.

    Furthermore, Mr. Martin has defended in the Quebec Court of Appeal, several family cases representing both the petitioner and the opposing party.

    Mr. Martin has relevant experience in maintaining a strong composure in sensitive cases where there has been much suffering between the parties.

    Mr. Martin favors mediation and settling family matter cases out of court. When such an agreement is not possible due to the stubbornness and exaggerations of the opposing party, Mr. Martin does not hesitate to go directly to trial. The Judge will then rule and pronounce a judgment pertaining to the facts in dispute.

    Please call Mr. Martin for his counsel concerning your case, your probabilities of success and the best strategy to follow.

    Sometimes all it takes is a personal meeting at his office to empower you to handle yourself the situation. Mr. Martin will remain available if you were to need any further assistance to go to court.

  • Droit civil (litige)

    Quebec Civil Law deals with all disputes of civil nature. In other words, if you want to sue someone or if you are being sued, Mr. Martin can assist you.

    Mr. Martin works both in defence and pursuit. He has experience in all courts including the Quebec Court of Appeal.

    One of Mr. Martin's strengths is his knowledge of civil procedure. While it is of utmost importance to know the particular laws applying to each case, it is paramount to know how to engage the civil procedure so as to bring justice to clients at the least cost possible.

    Mr. Martin is sensitive to the financial capacity of each client. Those on a more restricted budget will see the advantage of going directly to trial in order to expedite a ruling and reduce overall cost.

    As a rule, Mr. Martin favors mediation and tries to settle out of court. If mediation breaks down, Mr. Martin's skills in preparing witnesses and in pleading insure his clients a fair representation.

    Mr. Martin does not claim to win all cases; losing some cases is part and parcel of the attorney profession. However, Mr. Martin works hard to ensure the best possible chances of success for his client and ultimately win the case.

  • Droit du travail

    Mr. Martin has experience in pleading cases before the Labor Relations Commission (Provincial Law) and the Canada Industrial Relations Board (Federal Law).

    Labor Law cases represent 25% of his work load.

    Mr. Martin is very much at ease with labor law negotiations and understands the importance of ensuring an excellent balance of power as one goes to trial.

    Negotiation in labor law is of critical importance; it is often in the best interest of both parties to settle out of court.

    Furthermore, depending on the particular case, labour law is one of the few areas where it is possible to obtain reimbursement for lawyer fees.

    Please call Mr. Martin for advice on your case.

  • Préjudice corporel: Dossier à pourcentage si votre cause est "gagnante"
  • Commission de Santé et de Sécurité au Travail (CSST)

    Mr. Martin knows what it takes to win. One of his biggest cases was won before La Commission des lésions professionnelles (Workplace Health and Safety Tribunal).

    It is crucial to have an expert in the field testify favourably at the hearing. Mr. Martin disposes of an important network of medical experts ready to support his clients, assuming that truth is on their side.

    The CSST is a semi-public insurance company and does not have your best interest at heart. At times, the CSST can be very harsh towards workers.

    An attorney such as Mr. Martin who does not back away from confronting the CSST can help you overturn the decisions of the CSST, negotiate with them and as a last recourse present your case before La Commission des lésions professionnelles, a tribunal mandated to settle disputes between the worker and the CSST.

  • Société de l'Assurance Automobile du Québec (SAAQ)

    An accident can have serious consequences. The province of Quebec is governed by the Car Insurance Law of Quebec and suing the SAAQ is your only recourse if you are dissatisfied with the processing of your claim with regards to a car accident.

    In Quebec, if you suffer bodily harm following a car accident, you cannot pursue another driver, a car company or any other party. Such reality makes it imperative that you hire a trustworthy lawyer able to defend your interests before the SAAQ.

    Mr. Martin is very knowledgeable of the Car Insurance Law of Quebec and he will make sure your interests are well defended.

    In case of litigation, Mr. Martin will plead your case before the Quebec Administrative Tribunal.

  • Indemnisation des Victimes d'Actes Criminels (IVAC)

    Mr. Martin has experience representing cases before the IVAC.

    In these cases, it is often possible to obtain a favorable decision from the IVAC as long as proof is provided. The opinion of an expert is often required.

    One must also establish cause and effect between the criminal act and the incurred damage.

    Mr. Martin can pull together all the pieces of the puzzle and thereby increase your chances of obtaining compensation.

    Call Mr. Martin for more information.

  • Tout litige avec un palier de gouvernement ou une institution

    Dealing with government is complex and is politically charged.

    If you want to make changes to public administration, Mr. Martin can provide representation on your behalf and if needed recommend you a registered lobbyist who will know how to lobby on your behalf.

    Mr. Martin can coordinate the relationship between the client and the lobbyist. Furthermore, if legal proceedings are necessary and if the government administration acts against your interests, Mr. Martin can request an order of mandamus which constitutes an extraordinary appeal before the Quebec Superior Court.

    This recourse forces government administration to make a decision concerning your case. With all due respect, a complaint addressed to the ombudsman or to your member of parliament will produce no tangible results. A lawyer confronting the government can help you advance your cause. In such a situation, a lawyer is necessary to help you quickly reach your goal.

    Call Mr. Martin and get his advice concerning your case against the government.

  • Appels à la Cour d'Appel du Québec et à la Cour Suprême du Canada et requêtes en révisions judiciaires devant la Cour Supérieure

    Mr. Martin has pleaded several cases before the Quebec Court of Appeal and is very familiar with its structure and operations.

    Mr. Martin is willing and ready to plead a case before the Supreme Court of Canada.

    Mr. Martin is particularity interested in preparing briefs to the Quebec Court of Appeal as well as for judicial reviews before the Superior Court in the case of decisions made by administrative tribunals. Did you know that 30 % of cases are overturned at appeal?

    Judges are not infallible. Humans are part of our judicial system. While not perfect, it is one of the best in the world, and one should not be embarrassed or fearful to launch an appeal.

    Contrary to what one may hear, expenses related to appeal cases are not so costly, especially if one is the respondent or accused party.

    Mr. Martin can offer you an all-inclusive package that takes into account the court fees related to registering the brief as well the lawyer fees related to preparing the brief.

    Mr. Martin can also offer a reasonable set price for appeal cases seeking to reverse an unfavorable judgement. He will help to increase your chances of success and avoid the rejection of your request for appeal. He will help you obtain the reversal of a previous judgement.

    Mr. Martin will give you his honest advice on the probability of winning as certain judicial decisions are harder to overturn.

En partenariat avec mon équipe

  • Droit criminel

    De la "petite" infraction au meurtre, expérience avec procès devant jury. En partenariat avec un criminaliste d'expérience

  • Immigration
  • Vices cachés
  • Droit fiscal, problème avec l'impôt

    En partenariat avec un fiscaliste et un comptable agréé

  • Tout autre problème


  • Taux horaire selon la nature du dossier
  • Prix mensuel fixe forfaitaire tout compris
  • Prix fixe pour tout le dossier
  • Possibilité de dossiers à pourcentage

Palais de justice desservis

  • Montréal
  • Laval
  • Longueuil
  • Joliette
  • Saint-Jérome
  • Saint-Hyacinthe
  • Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu
  • Saint-Georges de Beauce
  • Granby
  • Bedford
  • Sherbrooke
  • Drummondville
  • Shawinigan
  • Trois-Rivières
  • Gatineau
  • Victoriaville
  • Sorel
  • Québec
  • Mont-Laurier
  • Rimouski
  • Gaspé
  • Matane
  • Chicoutimi
  • Sept-Iles
  • Baie-Comeau

Obtenir plus d'informations

Partenaires & Associés

  • Yelo consulting
  • Paquette Avocats
  • Groupe Juridique

Présence Médiatique

Me Jérémie John Martin


Me Jérémie John Martin


1434 rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest

Bureau 200

Montréal, Québec, H3G 1R4